Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Ep. 8 Season 2 Ritika & Eran - Sattva Sanctuary

August 11, 2021

Ritika and Eran are the founders of Sattva Sanctuary, Australia. It is the first of its kind, a sister center to the primary Sattva Retreat in Rishikesh, India. Anand Ji came to visit this incredible land first as it was just taking shape. After sitting a deep meditation in the Yoga Shala surrounded by towering gum trees and wild bushlands, he rose up and extending his blessing for this Sattva Sanctuary, he said, "This is a place where people can go deep."

Eran and Ritika work alongside this beautiful land to bring nature's vision to life. They talk about that creative process with the perspective of true yogis. They are leading examples of what it means to be householder Yogis. Together they live an integrative life of spiritual devotion as the foundation. That integrative spiritual life has blessed them to raise a daughter, operate international businesses and be the pillars of the Sattva Sanctuary. If there was any reservation that a spiritual life needs to look a certain way, Ritika and Eran are the total myth-busters! It is all a life of spiritual devotion and practice that has been the driving force for the way things have unfolded. As both householder Yogis share, it is a fine art to listen and allow that great power to guide you.

Both Ritika and Eran are masterful Jyotish (Vedic Astrologers) supporting the community with open arms and the integrative practice of Sattva Yoga. Their expertise in the area of relationship consultation brings a very relevant application to this timeless Jyotish wisdom.

Next time you're passing through Byron Bay, Australia, make sure to stop into the Sattva Sanctuary for meditation, yoga nature walks and a cup of chai!




