Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Ep. 6 Season 2 Dalia Gencher - We Are the Time

May 30, 2021

"We are the time." It is statements like this that are left ringing in our ears, in our inquisitive minds, that Dalia, slams down on the table in this full food-for-thought episode of SWWP!

As a leading Sattva Yoga Teacher and Jyotish (Vedic Astrologer), Dalia's razor sharp insights into current events, cosmic scale timelines, and the theme of surrendering to the great mystery of life itself, are just some of the big topics tackled in this great conversation between Dalia and podcast host Max.


Dalia and Max are Sattva siblings! The journey into Yoga has been a lifelong journey, or better yet, a continuity of lives, lived in the direction of greater awakening that these two souls have undoubtedly walked together before.


Without failing to recognize the specialness of having a sibling to walk alongside on the spiritual path, this conversation explores great cosmic questions with the familiarity and quirkiness that only siblings share.


Dalia leads in the retelling of a childhood memory where their mother Tanya, a Sattva Jyotish in her own right, taught them Vedic mantras at the age of 5 and 7. As a family of Vedic astrologers, there is a lot of teaching to go around! Meaning that a family of teachers is also a family of students whether you want to be taught or not! Dalia and Max find a back and forth flow in this episode that pushes each other's ideas further.

Anand Ji says every family needs a Buddha. In the case of Dalia and Max, it seems each Buddha of this family has their work cut out for them as they are continually inspiring each other to go look deeper within themselves.

Dalia is an expert Jyotish who has supported so many amazing people, healers, yogis, and conscious leaders during this year of intense growth and change. Join in on this conversation to hear all about how Dalia is working as an incredible conduit for the Vedic wisdom and Jyotish science.






