Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Ep. 3 Season 2 Rachel Hunter - Weaving Tapestry

March 05, 2021

Super Model, actress, conscious leader and Master Sattva Yoga Teacher, Rachel Hunter. Rachel is an integral teacher and mentor within the Sattva Yoga community and joins us today from her quarantine in New Zealand... her 3rd quarantine to be exact! Having been in India for the early part of last year as the pandemic broke, Rachel found herself secluded, away from her family and in deep meditative silence in India's south.

She underwent a self-initiated process of deep Sadhana. That meant little to no contact with the "outside world" as she delved into her practice of Yoga and Tantra. The year then weaved its way to America where she set down her bags just long enough to then go visit her children living in London, England. Finally, as Rachel returns to NZ, she is elated and also tested by the physical distance between her and her children. She shares a tale of the trail stitched together over this year, revealing a grand tapestry with many triumphs and challenges.

When Rachel starts speaking with Max, you know it's a life of living Yoga that Rachel draws from to then relay in her insights shared. There is a reservoir of experience born out of self-practice and mastery that, once it meets us, is her wisdom. This makes her ability to communicate these life transforming teachings of Yoga with such naturalness.

Rachel's ability to find words of her own that expound upon the yogic teachings, scriptures and mystical arts is something that has been refined and cultured in this year of isolations, both self-imposed and official!

This conversation is a great exploration of uncharted territory, unrehearsed topics and best of all, laughter and bloopers that are left in the final edit for you to join in on the fun!

Rachel's teachings, retreats and yoga classes can be found on her website in the link below.






