Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Sattva Warriors of Wisdom Podcast

Ep. 6 Marilee Aronson - Loving Attunement

October 30, 2020

Marilee Aronson arrives to the S.W.W. podcast, this week, with a message her spirit called her to share. "It's time!", she says. The time for her to share her story and let it transform others.

As a Sattva Master Teacher, Sattva Jyotish and spiritually-oriented psychologist, Marilee is more of a modern-day shaman-healer than any other title may suffice. Her interest in cultures far and wide, and her genuine capacity to immerse herself in them, has given her incredibly unique insights into integrative healing. She sums it all up as "Loving-Attunement", a term we explore in depth, in this episode.




