WSER-Sassy Entertainment Radio™

WSER-Sassy Entertainment Radio™

Latest Episodes

Bridging The Gap: Successful Communication Tips for the Sexes - Sep 25,2009
September 24, 2009

An in-depth discussion on breaking down the communication barriers between men and women...

Paternity Fraud: What to do if you are wrongly accused... - Sep 18,2009
September 17, 2009

Carnell Smith, Consultant, Legal DNA, Paternity Fraud Expert, and Advocate discusses his fight against paternity fraud and what avenues men can take legally to free themselves from paternity fraud.

The Disrespect of President Obama - Sep 11,2009
September 10, 2009

During President Obama's address to the nation and Congress on Thursday, September 9th, South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson shouted 'YOU LIE' us and share your thoughts...

Why Are Black Women Angry - Part II - Sep 04,2009
September 03, 2009

A show topic so hot we have to do it again...Join Sassy & Dlyte and an all male panel as they share their thoughts on the ABW Angry Black Woman.

Marriage & Infidelity: Is Monogamy Natural? - Aug 28,2009
August 27, 2009

Sassy & Dlyte discuss marriage, fidelity, and adultery to find out if monogamy is as unnatural as it sounds. Special guest Noel Biderman of Ashley Madison Agency, a dating site for married and involved individuals will chime in...the

Desperating Dating- Top 10 Mistakes That Will Keep You Single - Aug 14,2009
August 13, 2009

Sassy & Dlyte are joined by author Faith Murphy Knight to discuss her latest book DESPERATE DATING: Top 10 Mistakes What Will Keep You Single.

WHY ARE SISTER's SO ANGRY: The Question on Every Brother's Mind - Aug 07,2009
August 06, 2009

Tune in Thursday, August 6th at 9pm as we discuss WHY ARE SISTER's SO ANGRY: The Question on Every Brother's many sisters are walking around angry and mad, and sometimes plain ole' nasty for nothing...why, what is the cause join Dlyte and I as w

Dating After 40... - Jul 31,2009
July 30, 2009

The pro's and con's of dating at 40...

Paternity Fraud: You Are Not The Father - Jul 24,2009
July 23, 2009

Custodial inconsistancies regarding incorrect paternity and the laws surrounding them.

Coming Out - The Road to Unconditional Love - Jul 17,2009
July 16, 2009

Life Coach & Author Kevin Lewis discusses his latest novel COMING OUT - The Road To Unconditional Love and how one can come out to family and friends without coming unglued.