Sangam Lit

Kalithogai 136 – Gamble not with her love
In this episode, we observe the changing stance of the lady’s joy, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kalithogai 136, penned by Nallanthuvanaar. The verse is situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal Landscape’ and showcases the sport of gambling in the Sangam era.

இவர் திமில் எறி திரை ஈண்டி வந்து அலைத்தக்கால்
உவறுநீர் உயர் எக்கர் அலவன் ஆடு அளைவரித்
தவல் இல் தண் கழகத்துத் தவிராது வட்டிப்பக்
கவறுஉற்ற வடுவெய்க்கும் காமரு பூங்கடல் சேர்ப்ப!
முத்துஉறழ் மணல் எக்கர் அளித்தக்கால், முன் ஆயம்
பத்துருவம் பெற்றவன் மனம் போல நந்தியாள்
அத்திறத்து நீ நீங்க அணிவாடி, அவ் ஆயம்
வித்தத்தால் தோற்றான் போல், வெய்துயர் உழப்பவோ?
முடத்தாழை முடுக்கருள் அளித்தக்கால் வித்தாயம்
இடைத்தங்கக் கண்டவன் மனம் போல நந்தியாள்
கொடைத் தக்காய் நீ ஆயின், நெறியில்லாக் கதி ஓடி
உடைப்பொதி இழந்தான் போல், உறுதுயர் உழப்பவோ?
நறு வீ தாழ் புன்னைக்கீழ் நயந்து நீ அளித்தக்கால்
மறு வித்தம் இட்டவன் மனம் போல நந்தியாள்
அறிவித்து நீ நீங்கக் கருதியாய்க்கு, அப்பொருள்
சிறு வித்தம் இட்டான் போல், செறி துயர் உழப்பவோ?
கொண்டு பலர் தூற்றும் கௌவை அஞ்சாய்,
தீண்டற்கு அருளித், திறன் அறிந்து, எழீஇப்
பாண்டியம் செய்வான் பொருளினும்
ஈண்டுக இவள் நலம், ஏறுக தேரே.
The confidante is at it again, seeking the man’s grace. The words can be translated as follows:
“As swaying boats ply, soaring waves dash against the sand dunes, and pour salty water in the nesting holes, where crabs play, making them run to and fro, marking lines that resemble imprints in the well-worn gambling floor, where dices are rolled repeatedly and unceasingly, in the shores of your alluring seas, O lord!
Upon sand dunes that resemble pearl heaps, since you rendered your grace, akin to the mind of one, who sees a ten on the dice rolled in a game, she was filled with delight. But when you leave her, making her beauty fade, akin to one, who lost the game rolling lesser numbers, is she to suffer with a burning sorrow?
In the small spaces near the curving pandanus, since you rendered your grace, akin to the mind of one, who sees the exact numbers he needs to win, she was filled with delight. But if you are generous no more, akin to one, who played with no restraint and lost his entire bundle of money, is she to suffer with a melting sorrow?
Under the laurel wood tree, with low-hanging, fragrant flowers, since you rendered your grace, akin to the mind of one, who won multiple games, she was filled with delight. But if you intend to announce your parting away, akin to one, who rolled a small count and lost his very first game, is she to suffer with intense sorrow?
And so, you seem not to worry about the slander being spread by many. By rendering your grace to unite with her, even beyond the wealth attained by one, who puts intense effort, knowing its value, you will render beauty and health unto her. Climb on your chariot right away!”
Time to delve into the details. The verse is situated in the context of the man’s parting from the lady, prior to marriage, and here, the confidante speaks to the man. She starts with a unique description of the man’s shores by bringing forth the image of lines left behind by crabs running about on the sands and she places this in parallel to the scars and imprints on a much-used gambling floor. She then talks about how back then because the man united with her upon the sands, between the pandanus trees, and under the laurel wood trees, the lady was filled with so much joy like the mind of a gambler, who wins a ten, who sees the numbers he wants, and who wins game after game. But when the man parts away from the lady, she is filled with sorrow and becomes like the gambler, who rolls small numbers when he wants something big, like the one who loses all recklessly, and the one who is devastated by his very first gamble.
After this vivid commentary on the lady’s changing state, the confidante bids the man to rush to the lady, and if he does so, he would shower beauty and health that surpasses in quantity to the wealth attained by one with their hard work. Interesting how the verse portrays so many examples from the world of gambling in the beginning but for the finishing touch, turns to the importance of working hard, stating that nothing can equal the wealth that this brings! A whisper from the past about the risk and loss in gambling, which humans seem to delight in, till this day, in the well-worn paths of casinos around the world!