Sermons @ Salford Elim Church
Latest Episodes
How Did The Early Church Practice Healing?
The early church believed that God would heal their own sick members through the ministry of people with the gift of healing but also through the regular ministry of the church. How could we/should/do
The Spirit And Belonging
The temptation to be self-sufficient is everpresent. The Spirit guards us from the temptation by reminding us that we need what others can give us. We all get to play, we all get to join in, we all g
Jesus The Saviour: It’s Not Fair
Pauls vision for the church was that it would demonstrate the unity of Jew and Gentile. The wider world could only see their differences. Paul knew that they could be one because of Jesus and that
Jesus The Saviour: The Big Idea
Who do you think you are? Pauls vision for the church was that it woulddemonstrate the unity of Jew and Gentile. The widerworld could only see their differences Paul knew that they could be one bec
Welcoming Sarah – Assistant Pastor
Today we welcomed Sarah to be anassistant pastor with us in Salford. Together with Phil,her husband, and her children they will be making ourchurch their home. We were also joined by our Regional L
Celebrate Jesus: Praising Whilst Waiting
Join us tomorrow as we worship in anextended time of praise.
Celebrate Jesus: Our Stories Of Lives Changed
Join us and listen to people share their stories of how faith in Jesus has led tochanged directions, new priorities and a deep sense of purpose.
Tough Questions: What Do I Do With My Doubt?
Sometimes it feels like you are the only person sitting in the church with doubts. The next thought is to accuse yourself of being a hypocrite. The next move is to stop coming. Heres the truth: your
Tough Questions: Will You Lay Down Your life?
They know what we want. We arebombarded by ads that are personalised. They all offer a better life, better stuff, better experiences. And theadvertising world is right. We do want life to be better.
Jesus: The King of The World
Jesus was such an attractive teacher. He drew all sorts of people to himself: the clever ones, the sophisticated ones and the desperate ones. What he asks of those who want to follow him is to lay as