Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

Why Mormons LOVE Star Wars, feat. Stephen Smoot
August 30, 2019

In this episode, we welcome back the infamous Stephen Smoot, the most prolific Star Wars fan in the galaxy (if you disagree, let us know in the comments below). With the newest episode of Star Wars coming out soon, we had an important question: is Star Wa

Magic Mormon Underwear
August 28, 2019

Mormon underwear is frequently asked about and oftentimes criticized. Mormons call their underwear "garments" but the rest of the world might say things like "magic Mormon underwear" or other terms that are sometimes hilarious. However, Mormons regard the

Know Jesus Christ
August 26, 2019

Kwaku and Ian are back and today we talk about the significance of Jesus Christ and what it means for us today. For Mormons, Jesus Christ is central in all that we do. We believe that through the Savior's atonement we can be forgiven of our sins. We belie

Mormons Prepare for the End of the World!
August 23, 2019

You may have heard that Mormons have lots of food storage. Water, canned food, boxed food, first aid, and boxes of Jello (okay, not really... maybe). 

Responding to Comments (Part 3)
August 21, 2019

The 3 Mormons are responding to your comments yet again! Every so often we will do an episode that is focused on your questions and comments. We want to thank those who have been keeping up with our show and appreciate the comments! 

The Plan of Salvation with Nick Sales
August 19, 2019

Today we film with Nick Sales, Mormon musician and videographer! We had a great time talking about the Plan of Salvation, a common teaching in Mormon doctrine. We used a lot of Mormon vernacular so PLEASE read below for some additional information!

An Ex Ex-Mormon's Story, feat. Dusty Smith
August 16, 2019

Today we talk to a member of the church who, at one point in his life, was an ex-mormon. Dusty Smith shares his story of why he left and what caused him to come back to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and be re-baptized.  Dusty Smith

What is Mormon Sacrament
August 14, 2019

Every Sunday in the Mormon Church, those in attendance have an opportunity to take the Sacrament. Mormons regard the Sacrament as one of the most important ordinances performed in our day. It is the ordinance in which we can become clean from our sins.&nb

Real Talk with James the Mormon
August 12, 2019

Today we talk with James the Mormon! James the Mormon is known internationally for his popular rap music.  James talks about how he came to be James the Mormon, how he didn't ever intend to be known as a Mormon rapper and how he's overcome difficult

The Stupidest 3 Mormons Episode EVER
August 09, 2019

Kwaku and Ian get to know each other a little bit in this video and it's quite revealing... you don't want to miss it! But if we're being honest, this is definitely the silliest video that 3 Mormons has ever released.  Ian and Kwaku talk about their