Saint Paul's Episcopal Church - Walla Walla

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church - Walla Walla

Latest Episodes

How Can We Know The Way? (Easter 5A, 5/10/2020)
May 10, 2020

Thomas says to Jesus, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" In this moment, Thomas' question is more real than ever. But we know Jesus Christ, crucified, risen, and glorified - so we will find the way. (Preached by The Rev'.

On the Emmaus Road (Easter 3A, 4/26/2020)
April 26, 2020

For so many of us, "Jesus was known to his disciples in the breaking of the bread" is the story of the walk to Emmaus. In a time when we can't gather to receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, where do we find good news in the Emmaus story? Perhaps .

That You May Have Life In His Name (Easter 2A, 4/19/2020)
April 19, 2020

Thomas' inability to believe in Jesus' resurrection is not strange - it's perfectly normal. But Jesus comes to Thomas, and Jesus comes to us - over and over and over again - so that we might believe in the power of his resurrection, and in our belief, ha.

He Raises Us From the Tomb (Easter A, 4/12/2020)
April 12, 2020

On Easter Morning, Mary Magdalene and Mary journey to Jesus' tomb fully expecting him to remain dead. It is in the moment they most need him that they see he is risen; and it is in the moments that we expect to lie in our own tombs that Jesus raises us t.

The Passion is Our Story (Palm Sunday A, 4/5/2020)
April 05, 2020

The Passion of Jesus is a story that resonates because it's true. It's true not only as Jesus' story, it's true because it's our story, too. And we find that no matter where we find ourselves in the passion story, it is good news because God is with us i.

Presence in Absence (Lent 5A, 3/29/2020)
March 29, 2020

"Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." When Martha speaks these words to Jesus after Lazarus has died, she speaks the anxieties of our own hearts. Yet Jesus promises full and abundant life in the kingdom of God - right now. (Preach.

To See Jesus (Lent 4A, 3/22/2020)
March 22, 2020

In the story of the Healing of the Man Born Blind, John's gospel asks us to examine what we see when we look at Jesus. Who is Jesus to you? And what do you see? (Preached by The Rev. David Sibley)

To Sit at Jacob's Well (Lent 3A, 3/15/2020)
March 15, 2020

"The well is deep, and you have no bucket." What does it mean for the Samaritan Woman to encounter Jesus at Jacob's Well? What is it for us to meet Jesus there? (Preached by The Rev. David Sibley; in the Sermon, the language of Jacob' Well and the Samari.

The Reconstruction of Nicodemus (Lent 2A, 3/8/2020)
March 08, 2020

Nicodemus comes to Jesus a seemingly good guy - knowing who Jesus in his heart of hearts. He leaves utterly confused. What does this tell us about our life of discipleship? (Preached by The Rev. David Sibley)

Not Just Snakes in Trees (Lent 1A, 3/1/2020)
March 01, 2020

The story of the the Garden of Eden in Genesis is among the stories from the Bible we know best, and also among the stories we know least. What does it have to tell us about who we are - and who God is? (Preached by The Rev. David Sibley)