Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk #56 – Cybersecurity & Online Safety with Idan Cohen from Reflectiz
Idan Cohen from Reflectiz joins the Podcast to discuss the growing need for oversight of safety and privacy risks caused by installed 3rd-party code on corporate websites.
Idan and his partner founded Reflectiz in 2016, which has grown to be an industry leader in cybersecurity for handling third-party risks of any present and future online service. Reflectiz offers services that detect website vulnerabilities, threats and privacy issues generated by their 3rd-party technologies. They have developed an innovative platform that scans and seamlessly analyzes websites, in order to create the first 3rd-party inventory platform management tool to detect threats and vulnerabilities.
TAGS: 3rd-party codecorporate securitycorporate website securitydetect threatsIdan Cohenonline safetypersonal safetypersonal safety expertpete canavanprivacy risksReflectizsafety talksafety talk podcastwebsite vulnerabilitiesworkplace security The post Safety Talk #56 – Cybersecurity & Online Safety with Idan Cohen from Reflectiz first appeared on Safety Talk Podcast.