Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk #54 – Personal security ecosystems with Jason Mordecai from
Personal security expert Jason Mordecai joins the podcast to discuss situational awareness and personal security issues. His Security Adviser blog focuses on a wide range of security issues including situational awareness, self-defense and community and home security.
Jason, a native South African, has completed numerous training in security management and worked as a tactical officer, conducted investigations and debriefed numerous crime victims. He is currently the Operations Director of the SMS Security Group and is the key contributor to the Security Adviser Blog.
Jason has been a lifelong martial arts practitioner including Judo and Karate and in 1995 he represented South Africa at the World Tae Kwon Do championships.
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TAGS: corporate securityemergency preparednesshome safetypersonal safetypersonal safety expertpete canavanpublic safetyself-defensesituational awareness