Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk #51 – “Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life” with Jason Hanson
Former CIA agent and author Jason Hanson joins the podcast to discuss his latest book “Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life.” Jason discusses many hidden and not so common techniques that a person can use to improve their safety at home, when traveling and navigating the internet.
Jason won The CIA’s Exceptional Performance Award twice receiving the award in 2005 and 2008. He is also the Founder and CEO of Spy Escape & Evasion. The goal of Spy Escape & Evasion is to teach men and women how to be safe using Spy Secrets that 99% of Americans will never know. Jason has been teaching two-day courses filling rooms across the country and training thousands. In 2014, Jason won a deal on ABC’s hit Reality Series, Shark Tank. (
TAGS: children’s online safetyhidden techniqueshome safetyJason Hansononline safetypersonal safety expertpete canavansafety talksafety talk podcastSpy Escape & EvasionSpy Secrets That Can Save Your Life