Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk #50 – Security Consulting & Investigations – Ryan Schonfeld – RAS Consulting

August 25, 2020

RAS Consulting and Investigations founding member Ryan Schonfeld joins the show to discuss a wide range of safety and security issues for organizations. Ryan discusses some of the key security challenges in the current work environment including Covid-19, remote work-from-home issues and running on-site security operations centers.
RAS Consulting & Investigations and RAS Watch brings clients a rich body of work and demonstrated expertise in workplace security, private investigations, police service, teaching, and instruction. Ryan is a former police investigator and instructor for the U.S. Department of State’s Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program and he leads the RAS Consulting global security and safety technology group.
TAGS: corporate safetycorporate securitypersonal safety expertpete canavanprivate investigationsprivate investigatorRAS ConsultingRAS Consulting and InvestigationsRAS WatchRyan Schonfeldsafety consultingsafety talksafety talk podcastsecurity challengesworkplace safetyworkplace security