Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk #68 – Cybersecurity and Medical Device Safety

January 28, 2024

Pete welcomes renowned cybersecurity expert and author Christian Espinosa to share his insights on the latest advancements in cybersecurity for medical devices and small businesses. Medical device safety is a critical piece to ensuring patients are protected from hacks, cyberattacks and other technical vulnerabilities. Christian is most known as the bestselling author of “The Smartest Person in the Room.” His expertise extends beyond the confines of the corporate world; he’s a white hat hacker, a veteran, a captivating keynote speaker and a perceptive real estate investor. He founded and currently leads Blue Goat Cyber and has an array of professional and personal development certifications.

Blue Goat Cyber specializes in providing elite cybersecurity solutions designed to effectively address the complex and evolving challenges in this field. Blue Goat offers a comprehensive suite of security services for web applications, embedded systems, cloud-based systems and client-developed systems, with a special focus on medical devices.

Personal Website:

Blue Goat Cyber Website: LinkedIn:   / christianespinosa  

TAGS: corporate securitycyberattackscybersecuritymedical safetyonline safetypersonal safetypete canavansafety talksafety talk podcastworkplace safety The post Safety Talk #68 – Cybersecurity and Medical Device Safety first appeared on Safety Talk Podcast.