Safety Talk Podcast

Safety Talk #64 – Railway & Transportation Cybersecurity with Israel Baron
Pete is joined on this edition of the Safety Talk Podcast by Israel Baron, an internationally acclaimed expert in global rail cybersecurity. Israel discusses a variety of topics relating to railway infrastructure, such as the need for companies to properly handle cybersecurity and transportation safety.
Israel Baron serves as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and VP of Customer Relations at Cervello, an international railway cybersecurity company located in Israel. Cervello provides a purpose-built rail cybersecurity platform that provides rail operators with comprehensive cybersecurity protection for rail and enables infrastructure managers to manage cyber risk within the context of rail-specific operational and business requirements.
TAGS: Cervellocritical rail networkscyber attackscyber criminalscyberattackscybersecurityIsrael Baronpersonal safetypersonal safety expertpete canavanrail infrastructure cybersecurityrail infrastructure securityrailway cybersecurityrolling stock securitysafety talktrain safetytransportation cybersecurity The post Safety Talk #64 – Railway & Transportation Cybersecurity with Israel Baron first appeared on Safety Talk Podcast.