Safe House - Home Security, Home Automation, Family Safety, and Crime Prevention

Safe House - Home Security, Home Automation, Family Safety, and Crime Prevention

E8: Kermit Jones on Kids and Firearms Safety

October 19, 2015

In this episode of the Safe House podcast, Aaron sits down with Kermit Jones Jr., a Navy Chaplain and author of 4 books on preparedness for adults and children. He also teaches on topics of personal and emergency preparedness. Listen in to learn why teaching your children about gun safety is important; the correct way to do it; and when to start. Kermit also talks about the most common mistakes parents make while talking to their children about preparedness.
~ Some of the questions, Kermit answers are:
* Why he wrote a book on gun safety for children?
* Do children find guns scary or is it not that big of a deal for them?
* What was his biggest challenge in writing this book?
* What was his biggest fear when trying to teach his daughters about gun safety?
* Do other parents wrestle with the fear of guns when trying to broach this topic with their children?
* What is the biggest mistake parents make when discussing gun safety with their kids?
* How young is too young to teach children about gun safety or is there such a thing as 'too young'?
* How young is too young to start teaching children how to operate firearms?
* What advice would he give to someone that is considering a firearm for the first time and also happens to be a parent?
* What non-lethal advice would he give people concerned about their personal security while at home?
Bonus: Kermit shares his highest priority and important tips on gun safety for children.
~ Kids Firearms Safety Highlights:
* [0:29]: Who is Kermit and what does he do?
* [1:50]: How did Kermit get interested in this topic?
* [3:50]: Why he wrote ‘Gun of a Son’.
* [5:49]: What you should be teaching your kids to prepare them.
* [7:02]: Why your attitude in relation to guns matters.
* [8:08]: Kermit’s biggest challenge in writing a book on gun safety for children.
* [8:56]: What is Kermit’s biggest fear when it comes to gun safety and children.
* [11:27]: Why parental credibility is an important element of safety.
* [13:41]: The right age for children to learn about gun safety and how to operate arms.
* [16:07]: Two important actions you must take if you are parent considering gun ownership.
* [17:24]: Some non-lethal ways to keep yourself safe and secure.
* [18:43]: Kermit’s top tips for teaching children about gun safety.
* [20:01]: One thing you absolutely must remember to do when teaching children about guns.
* [20:43]: Learn more about Kermit’s books and why you should pick up at least one for your children.
~ To get transcripts and other resources from this episode visit: