Safe House - Home Security, Home Automation, Family Safety, and Crime Prevention

Safe House - Home Security, Home Automation, Family Safety, and Crime Prevention

E7: Kelly Grayson on Emergency Medicine that could safe your life

October 12, 2015

In this episode we sit down with Kelly Grayson. He’s a critical care paramedic, educator, and award-winning author. We discuss how to tips for staying alive, how to save a life, and simple life saving items everyone should have in their home.
About our guest:
Kelly Grayson is a critical care paramedic, educator, author and award-winning columnist from southwest Louisiana. You can find his musings at and on his personal blog
We discuss the following questions:
Today we’re discussing basic emergency medicine.
* What’s the difference between an EMT and a Paramedic?
* What are some of the most common calls you respond to?
* Of those top 3, what could regular people do to help prevent the ride to the hospital?
* Of those, what could bystanders have done to help while waiting on help?
* I was a little surprised CPR no longer includes emergency breaths. Why is that?
* What basic first aid items would you recommend everyone have on hand at home?
* Would these same items apply to vehicle kits or are there other things you would include?
* What basic emergency medical training would you wish everyone would take?
* How often should people realistically retain that training?
Plus, Kelly shares his highest priority and important tips for keeping people and their families safe and secure.
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