Safe House - Home Security, Home Automation, Family Safety, and Crime Prevention

Safe House - Home Security, Home Automation, Family Safety, and Crime Prevention

E5: Jason Hanson on defensive and escape secrets from a former CIA officer

October 02, 2015

In this episode we sit down with Jason Hanson. He’s a former CIA officer and security specialist. We discuss how to escape being held captive in your own home and how to defend yourself from attackers like a secret agent.
About our guest:
Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer, security specialist, and recent successful contestant of ABC’s reality show Shark Tank. Hanson teaches everyday citizens to defend themselves at his Spy Escape and Evasion school. He has been interviewed by major media outlets for his security expertise, including The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and The Huffington Post. He currently lives in Cedar City, Utah, with his family.
We discuss the following questions:
Today we’re discussing how people can handle violent encounters and stalkers like a CIA officer.
* When people hear CIA they think of movies like Mission Impossible. But what is the life of the average CIA officer really like?
* What is the number on thing you find the average person does that makes them a target to harm?
* Specifically relating to the home, what would you say the number one thing people do to open themselves up to being a target?
* Guns are always a big topic when discussing personal safety. But what doesn’t get enough attention is less lethal options. What are your personal favorite options outside of firearms?
* There’s a lot of concern around becoming a captive during a home invasions. What skills and tequniques would you recommend people learn for dealing with such a situation?
* How hard is it to learn breaking free from restraints?
* What should someone do once they break free?
* When evaluating your own residence, what do you look for as red flags and personal safety concerns?
* How much importance on alarms systems do you place for home security?
* If you were considering a security system, what were your must have pieces? (i.e. video, motion)
Plus, Jason shares his highest priority and important tips for keeping people and their families safe and secure.
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