The RV Atlas Podcast

The RV Atlas Podcast

10 Tips for Surviving a Multi-Family Trip in One RV!

August 16, 2021

Shellie Bailey-Shah is back on the show today for another great episode of The RV Atlas podcast! Today she is sharing 10 tips for surviving a multi-family RV trip in one RV! To listen to Shellie and Jeremy discuss all ten tips click on the media player above or subscribe to The RV Atlas wherever you get your shows!

Here are her notes from the show!

Background: We recently took a cross-country trip from Portland, Oregon to Tampa then across the south to Phoenix and back home to Portland. The middle leg — Tampa to Phoenix — we invited by brother, sister-in-law and two nephews to join us for their first ever RV adventure. The leg included 5 national parks and 2,500 miles of travel. That’s 2,500 miles with seven people and a dog in a 38-foot motorhome.

Miraculously, we all survived.
Keys to success:
Each of these tips is discussed in detail on today's episode of The RV Atlas!

1/Set expectations for the start when it comes to finances

2/Set expectations when it comes to responsibilities

3/Make sure the itinerary includes something for everyone

4/Do not overpack

5/Have a bag of tricks

6/Make sure everything has its place

7/Make sure everyone has a designated place to sleep

8/Consider the impact of long driving days, especially on younger kids

9/Plan to spend time apart when you land somewhere, especially important for teens

10/Have some grace with each other and exercise patience