Are You Screening? Podcast

Are You Screening? Podcast

The Best Movies Of The Year Lists

January 22, 2017

It's that time of year, and we're finally giving you our Best of the Year lists. This was an unusual year, and we'll take you back through it a bit as we run through our favorites. We'll also give you quick reviews of some of the films we haven't covered yet (because 50 films hit in the last month), and make sure you know which movies you still have to see.

It may seem like this year has been wrapped up with a bow, because the same movies are winning all the awards, and show up on all the lists, but there are a few surprises out there. Our lists generally go a little odd anyway, and we've got to gear up for our own award special in two weeks - The Can't Win Awards, where we honor those movies and people who did great work that just isn't going to get noticed anywhere else