Are You Screening? Podcast

Are You Screening? Podcast

Sully Review, Movie News, And More

September 12, 2016

Clint Eastwood and Tom Hanks come together to give you the story of Sully, the pilot who landed a plane of a river in New York without serious injury to anyone. Though hailed as a hero, he soon came under scrutiny for his decision not to head to either of two nearby airports. Simulations seem to show that he could have made it, but he sticks by his decision.

It's an interesting story, and Eastwood and Hanks don't really need to prove themselves, but does it all work here, and is it something you need to get to theaters for? We'll let you know, and let you in on the latest industry news, and possibly even have another critic takedown for you. We'll also get in some interview clips with the cast and crew.