Are You Screening? Podcast

Are You Screening? Podcast

Star Wars: The Force Awakens & Sisters Review

December 20, 2015

This week is all about Star Wars, but there are other movies out there. We'll review Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Sisters, which also opens this week, and we'll try to get to some of the other films jockeying for awards.

It's a big test in Disney's buyout plans, and while the merch alone will make for a good deal over time, whether The Force Awakens can bring back fans or not is going to mean a difference of several billion dollars. We'll let you know if it makes the grade, and why.

We're also going to be starting up a Periscope broadcast of the show this week, because why not kick things off on the biggest movie weekend of the year? Tune in to that live and we'll be able to answer questions.