The RunOut Podcast

The RunOut Podcast

RunOut #58: Dave Graham Goes Off

March 22, 2021

Dave Graham is one of the most prolific rock climbers of his, or any, generation. For more than two decades, this itinerant rock climber has been like a shark in his pursuit of hard rock climbs—constantly moving, always attacking, and seemingly never sitting still. It took a global pandemic to keep Graham locked down in one place, and for the past year, he and his wife, Alizee Dufraise, the great sport climber and comp champion, have been basing out of Spain and learning to move and vibe at a different speed. The result has been a big leveling up for Dave, who is climbing at a 9b level right now. Dave is a prolific linguist, so for this episode, we just sit back and enjoy the ride.

For our final bit, the great and powerful SVO (Sean Villanueva-O’Driscoll) returns to charm the snake.

Show Notes

Dave Graham on Instagram.

Check out RunOut #57 for our interview with SVO.

Portrait by Cameron Maier / Bear Cam Media