Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

The Goodness of Unity
March 30, 2022

As we finish our relationships series we look at Psalm 133 that tells us how good and pleasant unity is and where it comes from

Our Relationship With Lost People
March 30, 2022

In Romans 1:16-17 we see the great drive that Paul had for sharing the Gospel with everyone. We see why this was important to him and why it should be important to us as well.

The Importance of Forgiveness
March 30, 2022

As we continue in our relationships series Bro. Grant rounds out Matthew 18 by looking at Jesus' parable and teaching about forgiving others who wrong us.

Relationships: Protecting One Another
March 16, 2022

In Matthew 18:15-17 Jesus calls us to be on guard against sin, not just in our lives, but in the lives of our brothers and sisters as well. In this sermon we see that confronting sin in someone else's life isn't mean or hateful, but is actually loving and

Relationships: Children and Parents
February 24, 2022

In Ephesians 6:1-4 Paul addresses the role of children and parents and gives us some very clear instructions about how to serve in each of these roles well.

The role of husbands and wives
February 07, 2022

Bro. Zach continues our relationships series by looking at Ephesians 5:22-33 about the roles of the husband and wife in a marriage.

Romans 2 and Lord's Supper (Nick Johnson, Don Hollis)
February 07, 2022

Bro. Nick Johnson preaches about our relationship to the law from Romans 2 and then Bro. Don Hollis leads in the Lord's Supper.

Seth and Kaylin Lofton Testimony
February 07, 2022

Seth and Kaylin Lofton share their experience and process of adopting their son from the Philippines, and Seth preaches about true worship from 2 Samuel 6.

Love Your Neighbor As Youself
February 07, 2022

As we continue through our relationship series we see Jesus spelling out for us exactly what it looks like to "love your neighbor as yourself" in the parable of the Good Samaritan. In this sermon we try to change our mindset to that of the man in the ditc

Psalm 30
June 22, 2021

Dr. Will Wall preaches a sermon from Psalm 30 about the importance, and the gift, of God moving us towards Himself.