Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running

Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running

How to Train for and Race the Boston Marathon Course: Interview with BAA Coach Terry Shea

March 13, 2013

Qualifying for the Boston Marathon is the pinnacle of running achievements for most runners. For some, race day is a time to celebrate that accomplishment and soak up all the sights, sounds, and experiences that make Boston so special. However, for many others, Boston is a chance to conquer one of the most fabled courses in marathon history.

If you’re racing Boston with the goal of recording a PR or running your best time (or plan to in the future), knowing how to target your training specifically to the demands of the course is essential. You need to prepare your legs for the demanding hills, develop your patience for the early miles, and prepare for the quad-pounding downhill finish.

To help you get ready for Boston (or any difficult course for that matter) we’ve invited BAA coach Terry Shea on our podcast today. In addition to being the BAA coach, Terry also has the distinguished accomplishment of running faster at each of his previous eleven Boston Marathon races. He started with a 2:35 in 2000 and in 2011 brought his time down to 2:20:48.

In this interview, Terry is going to share with us the secrets of the Boston marathon course and how to tailor your training to prepare your body for race day. Some of the highlights include:

When to start specific training for the race. Start too early and you’ll be burnt out come March and April. Implement the hill work too late and you’ll be fried for race day.

Terry will share is infamous 2-4-2 workout that is guaranteed to get your legs ready for the Newton hills and downhill finish.

How to mentally and logistically approach the downhill start and the Newton hills. Terry shares the strategy and advice he’s learned after running the course hundreds of times.

Obviously, this is a must listen interview if you’re running Boston. However, the tips and advice Terry shares is essential for anyone running a tough course, like New York City, Marine Corps, or any other race that requires specific course training.

How to Train for and Race the Boston Marathon Course: Interview with BAA Coach Terry Shea