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RA032 | Debunking Common Running Myths: Alex Hutchinson

August 06, 2013

Alex Hutchinson is a former competitive distance runner, holds a Master’s in Journalism from Columbia and a Ph.D. in Physics from Cambridge, and did his post-doctoral research with the U.S. National Security Agency.

As a runner he represented Canada for 11 years on the Canadian national team as a middle and long distance runner and during that time competed at world championships and other international competitions.

Today he is the columnist for Runner’s World magazine’s popular Sweat Science blog and Fast Lane column. He also contributes regularly to magazines such as Popular Mechanics, Outside, Canadian Running and Men’s Journal, and he also has award-winning travel writing that appears in the New York Times.

He’s also the author of Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise which delves into scientific literature to find out exactly what researchers know (and don’t know) about 111 common fitness questions.

In this episode Alex and I discuss:

  • How fitness myths continue to get perpetuated and accepted as truth
  • How companies get away with good to be true fitness promises
  • The concept of deliberate practice and how it can supercharge your running
  • What runners tend to worry about more than they need to
  • How your Garmin might actually be limiting your performance in some situations

We also debunk common running myths with in depth discussion including:

  • The need for static stretching before running
  • Lifting lighter weights for more reps in a running strength training program
  • The need to carry water on short runs
  • How the finer points of a workout must be strictly adhered to or no benefit was achieved

Plus, as an avid traveler and NY Times travel writer, Alex shares some of the most spectacular places he has been to run and how you might get more out of your next adventure in the outdoors.

Quick Tip

I share a strategy to break a string of bad workouts that can get you back on track quickly.

Special Segment

It’s the one year anniversary of Runner Academy Podcast! Since August 6, 2012 we’ve released 32 episodes, reached hundreds of countries and been downloaded over 300,000 times!

Have you ever wondered what happens before or after the interview or bloopers that get cut out? Listen in to hear some of the “finer” moments of our first year of the show.

Links Mentioned in the Show

Which Comes First? Cardio or Weights? – Alex’s book

Runner’s World Sweat Science Blog – Alex’s blog – Alex’s website