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RA030 | Running the Tour de France: Zoë Romano

July 09, 2013

If you have been watching any of the 100th Tour de France thus far, you know it as a cycling event. But this year for the first time it is also a running event for one female runner currently living in Richmond, VA.

Zoë Romano is well on her way to making history by becoming the first person to run the entire course of the Tour de France which is more than 2,000 miles – in just 9 weeks.

Her goal: Finish on July 20th one day ahead of the cyclists, averaging over 30 miles per day and to raise more than $150,000 for World Pediatric Project, a charity that provides medical care to children in developing countries in the Caribbean and Central America.

This comes just two years after she ran almost 3,000 miles across the United States unsupported raising more than $17,000 for the Boys and Girls Club.

Zoë strongly holds the belief that everyone is capable of achieving the extraordinary and that endurance athletics are a powerful platform for advocating this philosophy. Her mission is to engage local and global communities in her running as a way to inspire them to not just dream big dreams, but to go do them.

Here are just a few stats of her journey that is currently underway:

On this episode I chat with Zoë on her beginnings in running just a few years ago that have led to her run across America and now becoming the first person to run the entire Tour de France course. Her story is sure to inspire you on your own journey.

We talk about her journey, what it is really like on the roads of these epic adventures, how she manages to train and complete back to back ultra-marathons everyday, what’s going through her mind as she is pounding the pavement and how allowing yourself to be vulnerable can open up possibilities that you never thought were possible.

Quick Tip

Learn how running on an empty stomach from time to time can pay off big in the half or full marathon.

Links Mentioned in the Show

Zoë Goes Running - Zoë’s Blog

World Pediatric Project – The charity Zoë is running for

Donate – Donate to the cause

Ted Talk – Hear Zoë’s talk at Ted Richmond, VA