The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Latest Episodes

Prominence, SC: Wraith Solo - One Man’s Trash
June 21, 2013

Wraith and the Witch have had a bad couple of days. Emotions are running way too ragged, they're exhausted. What exactly do two incredibly dangerous vigilantes do on their day off? Shoot pool and talk about their feelings, mostly. Sidetalk PLAYERS M

Mrs Frieda’s Session 66 - Bait
June 17, 2013

Boxing day, how does it even work? There are last minute gifts to be delivered, and a few last dregs of Christmas spirit to be rung out of the holiday. With the oncoming New Year, the truly bizzare Dash Princely has disappeared into thin air, and Troy is

Prominence, SC: Witch Solo - For the Woman Who Has Nothing
June 14, 2013

In 2007, a few months before hostilities between the government and the IRA cease, a young woman is becoming war. A member of an IRA splinter group, Aaliyah finds herself plunged into danger and violence near-constantly. Thankfully, this is where she thri

Mrs Frieda’s Session 65 - Grin and Bear It (Part 2)
June 10, 2013

Christmas was survived, and successful. Unfortunately, nothing stays peaceful these days in Troy. Eld has an unhappy visitor, Butch has returned from a visit to South America and is looking well the worse for wear, and George and Caleb have an offer for

Prominence, SC: Ghost Solo - “Much Ado About Nothing”
June 07, 2013

The spotlight Heroes of Prominence stories continues: Lacey Clark has a date. Lacey has fought gangbangers, interrogated men to the point of breaking, and been the quiet trigger of justice on the streets of Prominence for months now. And she just can't

Mrs Frieda’s Session 64 - The Mandatory Christmas Special
June 03, 2013

It's a few days before Christmas, and Troy is decked out for the holidays. The spirit of Christmas is in the air, and all of the Frieda's kids are scrambling to get their shopping done. But not even Christmas is safe from bizarre occurrences. Something s

Little Fears - Ichor Falls Part 2
May 31, 2013

The first month of middle school in Ichor Falls, 1986, began calmly, with a trip to the Rand Historical Society Museum. For the local kids, it was just one more inundation of the town's boring history. For four students, newly moved into the town, it was

Little Fears - Ichor Falls Part 1
May 27, 2013

The once-abandoned West Virginia mining town of Ichor Falls lies always shrouded in mist. It crouches like a slick mushroom in a river valley, brooding. Abandoned by the world for several decades, new inroads are being created. The Elysium Group, the land

Prominence, SC: Opera Solo - Lost and Found
May 24, 2013

The single-character focused stories continue. Opera, finding himself at loose ends, is off for a night of wine, women, and song - or the closest such experience that can be found in the slums of Prominence. Soon enough our hero finds himself plunged into

Mrs. Frieda’s Halfway Home Session 63 - Open Your Mind
May 20, 2013

Hackman is defeated. The last major threat of Odyn's grab for power sits alone in a cell, gibbering, mad. The kids of Mrs. Friedas Halfway Home are triumphant. Despite the appearances of ghosts and regrets, old and new, it is time to lick their wounds, e