The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Latest Episodes

The Drunk and the Spooky – Snuff
July 30, 2015

Come with us for a look into the mind of a man accused of unspeakable things. There are always two sides to the story... - We are happy to present the maiden voyage of The Drunk and the Spooky, featuring original fiction.

Edge of the Empire – Fate Ascendant Episode 14
July 27, 2015

The Myrishi family is in business with the Mandalorians on Taris. Silus is out for revenge, the Bacta family have access to a spaceship, and a lot of money. - Naturally, it's the perfect time for a heist. Side Chatter PLAYERS -

Ashton City Heroes Ep 31 – All Fall Down
July 24, 2015

  - The architect of the bounty on the Ashton Liberator's heads has been found. They finally know the name of their enemy: John Greystone Jr. - Yet before they can act, the heroes are called into action to save Spades from the nefarious Tattooed ...

Edge of the Empire – Fate Ascendant Episode 13
July 20, 2015

Having survived a sneak attack by a Sith lord and his troops, the adventurers are on the run through Taris' lower city. - Naturally, this is a prefect time for one of their own to prove to be more than they appear... - PLAYERS -

Ashton City Heroes Ep 30 – Over My Head
July 17, 2015

Diamonds has a tank, Fauna has been removed as a threat in as roundabout a way as possible, and now the heroes must plan a way of getting to Null. A typical week in Ashton; straight from danger into danger. But first, school beckons and exams loom.

Edge of the Empire – Fate Ascendant Episode 12
July 13, 2015

Having acquired a ship hull and the beginnings of an escape plan, the adventurers must acquire the other necessary components included in making a starship fly. Luckily, Silus is on hand to provide a target: the Myrishi Bacta family. - Of course,

Ashton City Heroes Ep 29 – Giant Slayer Saves the Day
July 10, 2015

It has been the longest week. Kidnappings, revealed identities, rogue anti-vigilantes targeting the city's crime elements, and a ridiculous riddle - and Giant Slayer missed all of it. - Of course, this is Ashton City,

Drunk Talk – Mad Max: Fury Road
July 08, 2015

Hello, Internet! - In the wake of Fury Road, we realized there are some artists on the podcast who have a lot to say about style, composition and color and our own Travis Gasque led a discussion with them about the styles and themes in the movie.

Pop Music Changes Everything (Original Playtest)
July 06, 2015

Long ago, in the dawn of time, we ran games for our Sordid Dystopia kickstarter backers. This is one of the playtests. - Our heroes are a group of supernaturally powered young adults in a world that hates and fears them. They must survive, and thrive!

Ashton City Heroes Ep 28 – Off the Deep End
July 03, 2015

After stopping petty crime, being trapped in a sewer, shoved into ISS, and hunted by bounty fiends, the Ashton City Heroes are ready for a break. - Too bad they won't get one. - Side Chatter PLAYERS Manda - Ryder Owen (King Rush).