The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Latest Episodes

The Initiative Episode 6 – All for Nothing
October 26, 2015

The team ran rampant through San Diego, accomplishing essentially nothing and getting paid for it. They're being reinforced by Thrillseeker and Kingdom Come and moving into the actual mission. - Probably. - Side Chatter PLAYERS -

Happiest Waste on Earth Ep 11 – What the Bus?
October 23, 2015

The Kismet Protectorate is enjoying a week of relative peace. It turns out running a burgeoning grand community takes...a lot of work. And nothing in the waste is ever peaceful for long. - Inching its way very slowly towards the park is new danger and...

The Initiative Episode 5 – The Gang Gets Drunk
October 19, 2015

Still on the hunt for the source of a combat drug, the team seeks out members of two local gangs: the Priests and the Diablos.  Contact has been established and meetings will be had, but first there are some important meetings to be had at the local ta...

Happiest Waste on Earth Ep 10 – Master Homesmith
October 16, 2015

  - The Kismet Protectorate has discovered a nearby military installation that served as a testing ground for advanced robots.  Alex wants to investigate it to find parts to be able to rebuild her robot family,

Interview with Dennis Detwiller
October 14, 2015

We sat down with horror master Dennis Detwiller to get news on all of his new projects and his favorite moments from Delta Green. - Important Links Delta Green - Arc Dream - Dennis Detwiller's Personal Blog -

The Initiative Episode 4 – The Gang Beats Up Some Nerds
October 12, 2015

A combat drug to surpass the modern military is being developed. The initiative team is on the case. - Until they decide not to, of course. - Side Chatter PLAYERS Nate -  Snow "Frostbite" Higgins.

Happiest Waste on Earth Ep 9 – The Survivalist
October 09, 2015

A father opens his eyes. A cold wind of revenge blows. From the Wasteland, a horrifyingly familiar face walks to the gates of the new oasis that the survivors are building. - He claims that his unfinished business waits inside. -   -

The Initiative Episode 3 – What’s Yours is Mine
October 05, 2015

News has it that a set of schematics for a highly advanced combat robot have surfaced in Monaco.  The team is deployed to infiltrate and recover them.  Surely they will stick entirely to their mission goals and not be distracted by all of the excess we...

Little Fears – Camp Quartz Lake
October 02, 2015

Camp Quartz Lake is home to some weird and quirky folks. The kids who come here for their camp experience are sure to get an odd one. - It's halfway through the first session, and things are getting spooky as all get out. PLAYERS -

The Initiative Ep 2 – Snipers in the Hills of Fancy Gap
September 28, 2015

The notorious bank robber-turned-action hero Frostbite was deployed on a mission vital to National Security. She has not returned. - Now the remaining members of The Initiative must race to save her from the perils of Fancy Gap. Side Chatter