The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Monster Hearts: The Harvester – Episode 1

January 08, 2016

The town of Pottsville, New Hampshire. A Catholic island in a Protestant ocean; when founded, it used to receive the scorn of its neighbors. Recently, more unsettling reasons to distrust the Pottsville founders have arisen.

The town's annual apple harvest festival starts in two days, bringing with it the only injection of tourists Pottsville ever sees. Dark forces gather power in these days and monsters walk among the citizens with secrets of their own. Most of them involve high school and romance. Some are more sinister...

Side Chatter

Max - Holly: A popular girl who's going through some life changes. Who knew blood was so hard to get?
Zach - Romaine: The only daughter of an established town family, trying to pick through the fragmented pieces of her former life.
Travis - Rix: An unstoppable, relentless force of nature. He just wants to have fun, though many would disagree on his definition of it.
Hannah - Hrothgar: A painfully normal, crushingly mundane guy. Just trying to be a normal teenager in a town where that's becoming increasingly difficult.
Manda - Wren: The new girl in town. Everyone knows she's something of a snoop, but no one's pieced together that she lashes out at those who displease her with magic.
Nate - Marcus: He knows his town's dark secret - it's what got his family murdered. Though apparently, for him, it didn't stick - thanks to timely intervention from a new friend.