The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

The Initiative Episode 6 – All for Nothing

October 26, 2015

The team ran rampant through San Diego, accomplishing essentially nothing and getting paid for it. They're being reinforced by Thrillseeker and Kingdom Come and moving into the actual mission.


Side Chatter

Nate -  Snow "Frostbite" Higgins. Eccentric genius with a skin condition and a love for the cold.  Also she robbed banks a couple times.
Zach - Remilia "Remi" Vaerbond. An incredibly strong and muscular woman trained in the art of swordsmanship.  Convicted on the murder of a mid-time crimelord and conspiracy.
Travis - Isaac Marie "Izzi" Gaylord. Foul-mouthed con man and mastermind, eventually caught for tax evasion and sent on suicide with the rest of these guys for some reason.
James  - Doug "Kingdom Come" Charney. A man set on a divine mission to punish the wicked.  Protected by his faith and a pair of silver-baller pistols.
Kevin - A.J. "Thrillseeker" Blaze.  Former street thug with incredibly violent tendencies and a need to constantly fill his adrenaline quota.