The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Little Fears – Camp Quartz Lake

October 02, 2015

Camp Quartz Lake is home to some weird and quirky folks. The kids who come here for their camp experience are sure to get an odd one.

It's halfway through the first session, and things are getting spooky as all get out.


Nate - Arianna Lelane.  Scrawny 13 year old girl who fancies herself a witch.
Manda - Bridget Reese.  Counselor in charge of arts and crafts at the camp and terrified of losing all the children.
Zach - Lyra Elquist.  Small creepy 12 year old girl who is sneaky and way into fortune telling.
Kevin - John O'Schaefer.  17 year old lacrosse player who is instructing sports at the camp.