The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Edge of the Empire – Fate Ascendant Episode 13

July 20, 2015

Having survived a sneak attack by a Sith lord and his troops, the adventurers are on the run through Taris' lower city.

Naturally, this is a prefect time for one of their own to prove to be more than they appear...


Nate -  Pird'evothu'imao (Devothui). Chiss Padawan who walked out on the Jedi Order after she failed to reconcile neutrality and her own personal sense of justice.
Manda - Sliss Sarkh.  A Trandoshan woman with a big debt and an even bigger lust for combat.
James  - Rexo Cairnu. A Rodian marksman and bounty hunter sworn never to kill his quarries.
Zach - Rolan Chance. Ace pilot and hopeless romantic.  Awfully posh for someone taking the kind of jobs he does.
Josh - DJ-4N60 (DJ).  Droid bounty hunter with a chip on his shoulder and an urn at his belt.