The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Drunk Talk – Mad Max: Fury Road

July 08, 2015

Hello, Internet!

In the wake of Fury Road, we realized there are some artists on the podcast who have a lot to say about style, composition and color and our own Travis Gasque led a discussion with them about the styles and themes in the movie.  Depending on reactions, this may be a recurring segment about other films, video games, and pop culture media.

In other news, The Drunk and the Ugly will be attending Gencon and hosting seminars this year.  If you're interested in partaking, sign up for "Indie Design the Chicken Salad Way" and "Intro to Skype Gaming: Do's and Don'ts."

In addition to Drunk Talk, Sam and Matt have been working on a new segment for the show called "The Drunk and the Spooky," narrated by Sam, produced by Matt, and written by whoever wants to send us stories!  We'll be posting the first recording of that soon on our new Youtube Channel and its associated Tumblr, and posting the audio here on The Drunk and the Ugly.  We'll follow with a new story every month.

Finally, thanks to Memal25, Beardface5000, Anupstart, and Stiefund for reviewing the show on iTunes, thanks to UnitOmega for retweeting our show announcements on Twitter, and thanks to the curator of the F*** Yeah Drunk and Ugly Podcast tumblr for spreading word about the show, archiving fan entries, and creating some original content.  All you guys are super great!

Remember to review the show on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts, and be sure to leave us comments on the site letting us know what you think.