The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Base Raiders - Boiling Point (Part 2)

May 08, 2015

Our intrepid heroes (?) got a tip-off about Lucas Mallard, and through a combination of ritalin and ghosts discovered the location of the abandoned Base he was using for super-soldier drug supplies. After kidnapping Mallard and commissioning their own personal submarine, the Base Raiders are off to the races.

Side Chatter

Nate - Business Mantis.  Man-sized mantis created by a pre-ragnarok super scientist and former accountant to an international thief.  50% Business, 50% Mantis, 100% Payday.
Max - Brittney McCalvin (Vajra).  College dropout who, in desperation to stay afloat, spent years hunting down and eventually eating an ancient Lightning God.
Axe - Mór Ó Céirín (“Moira Kearnsâ€).  A punk rock banshee summoned to this dimension as part of a metal show with no way to return home.
Kevin - Aaron Abrams (Blueline). Police academy reject who decided to take the law into his own hands and enrolled in a secret attention altering drug program.