The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Project PIXIE Episode 24: Know Your Enemy

June 13, 2014

Following the desperate measures to contain the supernatural outbreak in the project PIXIE base, the military enforced crackdown measures continue. Meanwhile, the PIXIE psychics are dispatched on a reconnaisance mission,

Side Chatter


  • Zach – Alexandra “Sasha” Lagunov. Athletic tomboy. Pressed into service with The Project. Possesses the ability of chronomanipulation.
  • Matt – Leo Lucasovich Petrovski. Former olympic gymnast who was talent scouted by The Project. Possesses telekinesis.
  • Kevin – Janos Stelea.  Romanian.  Travelling fortune teller with a caravan until they settled in Russia.  Brought into The Project against his will.  Possesses minor precognitive abilities.
  • Nate – Cherry.  A recent recruit, doesn’t quite know her way around. Doesn’t talk about herself much, prefers to talk about others.  Sometimes even acts mysterious for the sake of being mysterious. Possesses the power of pyrokinesis.
  • Josh – Mikhail. Picked up by the Project early in his life. It is uncertain who his parents are. Most senior member of the team. Possesses the powers of gravity manipulation.