The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Mrs. Friedas Session 69 - Scott’s Terrible No Good Very Bad Day

July 07, 2013

It’s January 12th. Troy is swathed in snow, and the kids of Troy County Public School have a snow day ahead of them. Unfortunately, for Scott Valle and Emma Vaerbond, that means chores: specifically, babysitting.

A wild troupe of the young children who live on the second floor are itching for adventure of the pirate variety. A treasure hunt is in their future, and X, of course, marks the spot.

This episode is the final contributor game for the Sordid Dystopia Kickstarter.


Matt: Scott Valle, Bird-boy Extraordinare

Josh: Veronica “Mad Ronny” Cammerillo. A 9-year old girl who authentically wears an eye-patch and thinks pirates are awesome.

Claes: Angela, a 13 year old girl who suffers from a birth defect forcing her to wear leg braces.

David: Barry Moore Griffin, a 10-year old boy.

Sam (Stickwood): Charles P. Eli, a boy who walks with a cane.

Travis: Kentucky Lupara (K), a young boy who is in the Halfway Home because his grandmother is in the hospital.