The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Prominence, SC Session 5 - The Trashman Cometh

March 04, 2013

Having defeated Irish and his mob, the heroes find themselves able to breathe again as an uneasy quiet settles over Prominence.

The vigilantes Wraith and Ghost help keep order in the streets, fighting the remnants of organized crime.

In the shadows, a new threat is stirring.

Sorry about the audio quality.  The noisiest air conditioner kinda messed this up a lot.

Side Chatter


  • Matt – The Wraith.   Got his Masters in Electrical Engineering with a minor in acoustic design.  10 years back, shortly after beginning employment, his father was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease.  He got himself checked out and found out that he’s also positive for Hereditary Huntington’s.  With nothing to live for and nothing to lose, he decided to take down the mob before he died.
  • Manda – Lacey Clark, aka “The Ghost.” Seemingly apathetic, though very bright and goal oriented. Lacey gets bored with life extremely fast, looking for thrills to make life worth living. She entered the hero game after hearing stories on her mother’s news reports.  Agile and good with a gun, terrifying to lay your eyes on in a dark alleyway.