The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Ch-ch-ch-changes: New Forum Announcement!

June 20, 2016

Hello internet! We know how much we all hate change. It’s annoying, difficult, coarse, and gets everywhere. Unfortunately, sometimes change is very necessary. Moving on out of a crappy apartment for a nice house in the country. Getting your groove back. Letting those crazy kids led by that attractive young blond man who enjoys gymnastics dance. Our current forums have been around for a long time, and they’re looking a little threadbare. Kinda shabby. The dust and spiderwebs have clogged them up. We lost access to the administrator account. Y’know, lots of little things that have piled up. Truth is, the forums we have now were kinda intended to be a temporary gig! We certainly never expected to have so many of you come and join our little corner of the internet, much less start posting entire campaigns of your own work (though we’re thrilled to have it.) So I’m excited to announce that we have some new digs. Check ‘em out here: Look how shiny and new they are! Look how much functionality we have! Look how we can actually access the necessary portions of the website to run it properly! This post is mostly a heads up that we’re going to be changing things up. Starting today and running for exactly a month, we’ll be porting over threads, content, etc. If there’s anything you want to save, start transferring it! The old forums will be archived on July 20th, 2016. We’re excited to have a new place to continue hanging out with y’all – one that will stick around for a while. As always, let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! Thanks, Sam