Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Rule Breaker by Rebelle

EP 16: Ladies Get Paid with Claire Wasserman

January 19, 2021

Obvi on this podcast, we are talking about breaking rules—but the more episodes we do, the more I realize so many of these so-called rules are unspoken ones.


These rules are codes of conduct that no one ever asked me to review and sign, but it seems if I don’t meet these guidelines, there will be consequences.


One of those unspoken rules is “don’t talk about money.” Don’t let other people know how much you make. Don’t be greedy and ask for more. Money is dirty. Money is bad. Wanting to make more money makes you greedy and bad. And, most importantly, discussing money with other people in public makes you a bad person.


Well, F that noise because one of the ways we are going to make progress towards equality is actually by bringing all our money stuff to the surface.


My guest today wrote a book that is a must-read for all working women titled Ladies Get Paid. Yes, this book talks about negotiating for more when you are a traditionally employed worker, but it really is so much more than that. Asking for more starts with confidence and confidence comes from having information. How can you have information if you don’t know how much other people are making?


Meet Claire Wasserman. Claire is an educator, author, and founder of Ladies Get Paid, a global community that champions the professional and financial advancement of women. She is also the producer and host of John Hancock’s podcast, “Friends Who Talk About Money.”


Claire has traveled the country teaching thousands of women how to negotiate millions of dollars in raises, start businesses, and advocate for themselves in the workplace.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • The aha moment when Claire realized that the fight for gender equality wasn’t over
  • How sharing her experience led Claire to realize the immense value of vulnerability
  • Why Claire’s experience getting sued actually ended up being a game-changer (in a good way!) for her business
  • Why Claire encourages women to talk about how much they make and why she included an email template in her book


Learn more about Claire Wasserman:

Rebelle Member Spotlight - Linné Diiorio:


Rebelle Shout Out:


Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood:

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