Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Rule Breaker by Rebelle

EP 10: How to Bounce Back from Burnout with Racheal Cook

December 08, 2020

Before I started Rebelle, I had a pretty extravagant breakdown.


My weight dropped below a hundred pounds. I couldn’t get up off the floor—let alone out of bed. And I would break out into uncontrollable sobs in line at the grocery store.


I was beyond burned out.


You see, I had learned that to be successful, you had to give absolutely everything—and then some! 115%. No pain, no gain. But while going through boxes and boxes of tissues, I knew (or at least I hoped) there was another way.


At the time, I was looking for role models who I could follow who weren’t glamourizing the hustle, who wasn’t all about flashing cars or houses or other things that I should be striving for when all I really wanted was a nap. Can we have nap goals, please?


Enter stage left my guest today, Racheal Cook.


She was talking about self-care as a business strategy. She was teaching about productivity and boundary setting and putting yourself first. She was basically an alien from another planet as far as I was concerned.


But Rachel flipped the script on everything I thought I knew about being successful. She doesn't subscribe to the burnout life but also has really big goals. She makes space for downtime and rest but has a bigger vision than a lot of entrepreneurs that I know.


As an award-winning business strategist, host of the Promote Yourself to CEO podcast, and best-selling author, Racheal Cook is on a mission to end entrepreneurial poverty for women. Over the last 10 years, she has helped thousands of female entrepreneurs design predictably profitable businesses without the hustle and burnout that doing #allthethings inevitably accomplishes.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How being high sensitive influences Racheal’s work style and the steps she takes to manage her nervous system
  • Why creating a calendar that feeds you and meets your needs in mind, body and spirit is essential to setting effective work/life boundaries
  • Figuring out what you’re really good at and putting systems in place to maximize that
  • What a true leader looks like

Learn more about Racheal Cook:
Racheal on Facebook
@racheal.cook on Instagram
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Rebelle Member Spotlight – Nicole Rutledge:
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Resources from this episode:

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine Aron