Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Ep 9: Leading by Example with Tara McMullin of What Works

December 01, 2020

When I first learned about the Hero’s Journey, it was taught as a way to structure a story commonly used in motivational speeches and website about pages. And, to be honest, we also hear them in some of our favorite entrepreneurship podcasts.


The Hero’s Journey goes something like: I made this one mistake, then I learned this one important thing—and now I’m insanely successful and everything is perfect.


Truthfully, it makes for a great story—but it’s clearly not the whole story.


And that’s exactly the problem.


Most of what we consume on social media and in biographies and business articles are simply interesting highlights of someone’s journey.


That’s why when I started Rebelle, I wanted more. In my quest to find people telling their whole stories—not just the one that makes them look super-duper successful and perfect—I found and fell in love with my next guest.


Tara McMullin is a leader, community builder, and the founder of What Works. She’s also the host of the What Works podcast and co-founder of YellowHouse.Media, a podcast production agency, and consultancy.


I consider her an expert but she would never write that on any of her business cards. She keeps it so real: she shares the wins. She shares the missteps. She shares pretty much anything you want to know about her and her business. Tara truly walks the talk in regards to keeping things transparent—whether something works out great or not.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How a massive realization led to a pivot in how Tara runs her business from the inside out
  • Why making less money than you used to doesn’t mean you’re any less credible or have any less authority
  • The reason why Tara isn’t a fan of “Fake It ‘Til You Make It”
  • Why business growth isn’t always up and to the right—there are different opportunities and investments we make that lead to plateaus and to growth (and why both of those are good things!)


Learn more about Tara McMullin:


Rebelle Member Spotlight – Karen Mitchell

Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood:

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