Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Rule Breaker by Rebelle

EP 08: Following Your Curiosity with Zoe Kenealy of TECHNOMANCY

November 24, 2020

You may have heard the term “find your passion” and you may have even spent some time trying to do that. I know for myself, finding my passion has been an elusive task that I can’t quite check off the to do list, because what I am interested in changes as I get older.


Best selling author Elizabeth Gilbert says there are two types of people: jack hammers and hummingbirds.


Jackhammers find a passion and then dig and dig and chip away at their passion completely focused until the end of time. So often it is the jackhammers that are praised and admired for their ability to become obsessed with, and focused, on one thing.


My guest today, on the other hand, is a hummingbird. She is one of the most curious people I have interviewed in a long while. So much so, that she couldn’t help but ask me questions while I was interviewing her. She operates in multiple industries, she combines skills that you wouldn’t think combine, she is always asking questions and finding how things fit together, while cross pollinating every area that she touches with ideas from the places she has been.


Zoe Kenealy started a podcast—Ready To Launch—while she was in school so that she could connect with interesting people chatting about all kinds of things from self-development to business ownership, to astrology.


Then Zoe launched an agency—TECHNOMANCY—to represent social media influencers while stuck in her London apartment during COVID. And did I mention she was in London to research psychedelics as part of her study in the field of neuroscience?


As you can see, not everyone has one main goal or area of focus. Not everyone is a jackhammer. Some people are hummingbirds. Which one are you?


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • What inspired Zoe to start her podcast, Ready to Launch
  • The story behind the start of TECHNOMANCY
  • Zoe’s interests in psychology and how it’s influenced her creative path
  • Zoe’s advice for making connections (even if you struggle with reaching out)
  • The goal behind Shannon’s success (hint: it’s not about money)

Learn more about Zoe Kenealy:
Follow TECHNOMANCY Agency on Instagram
Follow Zoe on Instagram


Rebelle Member Spotlight – Susan Epperson:


Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood:

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