Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Rule Breaker by Rebelle

EP 05: Creating Events with Soul with Jung Lee

November 03, 2020

When we think about big events, we think about drama that matches: over-the-top wedding that takes on a life of its own, wedding dress that eclipses the experience, and an overbearing friend who takes over the planning while losing track of what really matters.


Okay, okay... some of these scenarios are from my favorite movies. Father Of The Bride… Sex In The City, Bridesmaids...


What they all have in common is a drama-filled wedding that centers on everyone—and everything else—except for the couple.


My guest today is the exact opposite of what you might think about an event designer. Yes, she designs over-the-top experiences but at her core she is kind, she is warm, she is caring, and she is always—without question—keeping her guests of honor at the center of the event.


Jung Lee is an Event Architect and Founder of Fête, Jung Lee NY, and Slowdance and is one of the most sought after event designers in the world with a roster of clients both corporate and private.


When I first met Jung at her New York boutique, she was greeting everyone as if they were visiting her home. That is a unique experience, especially in a big city. It showed me that hospitality is not dead and that creating genuine connection is how you can grow a successful business, even in a cutthroat city like New York.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • What creating warmth and intimacy looks like for events in a post-COVID world through creative solutions that make people feel connected and while still being safe
  • How Jung deconstructs what makes a wedding and builds it back up with soul through all the ingredients that represent the couple to truly tell their story
  • Why the best weddings genuinely reflect one’s lifestyle compared to weddings where people lose themselves in the process and end up telling the same story
  • Why investing in your home is truly investing in yourself because it makes you feel better and creates a more elevated experience every day


Learn more about Jung Lee:
Follow Jung Lee on Instagram
Follow Slowdance on Instagram
Follow Féte on Instagram


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