Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Rule Breaker by Rebelle

EP 04: Making Changes After Baby with Tonya Rapley

October 26, 2020

There’s really no way to know how you’ll be as a parent until you become one. For me, I imagined strapping on my baby and continuing life exactly as I knew it before. Every mother I know is rolling their eyes right now.


Honestly, holding onto this idea—of things continuing as normal—is one of the many reasons I had such an awful experience as a new mom. Before baby, I could do it all. I had endless energy to travel, to say yes to every opportunity, to show up for everyone who needed me.


I was always putting myself last.


But after the baby? I had no choice. My brain and body were shutting down. I had to change for the better.


Now, today’s guest, Tonya Rapley, didn’t struggle like I did when she had a baby. In fact, once her baby was born, she hit the brakes. She said, nope: now everything is going to be different.


Tonya went forth and made changes to her business, My Fab Finance, to create a life that supports her and how she wants to be as a mother and a business owner. In 2019, Tonya purchased Club Loofah, her e-commerce business, and continues to run both of her businesses her way—and she’s absolutely thriving because of it and living on her own terms.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Tonya set up her business to be as flexible as it needs to be without affecting her bottom line
  • What inspired Tonya to start her business, My Fab Finance
  • How knowing your worth helps you make business decisions that support your well-being
  • How Tonya’s used the press to grow her business—and how, sometimes, press doesn’t always equal growth
  • Why she’s more discerning of projects now and protective of her time and energy


Learn more about Tonya Rapley:
Club Loofah
Follow Tonya on Instagram
Follow Tonya on Facebook


Rebelle Member Spotlight – Seo Kelleher:
Alpha Female Sisterhood
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Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood:

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Rebelle Shout Out:

She Did That - Netflix Documentary
Yahya Smith of Nspiyahd Life and @femininesuccess on Instagram
Haley Thomas of Brain Space Optimized and the On Year From Now Podcast