Rudebuoyzrant podcast

Rudebuoyzrant podcast

Latest Episodes

Too much to talk about, well random rant.
September 11, 2020

Random rant

Trump Supporters, the things they say
August 07, 2020

Trump Supporters

Its a working Class Rant
June 24, 2020


Pandemic Panic
April 08, 2020


Pandemic Rant
April 04, 2020


Making the Corona Virus political
March 26, 2020

Corona virus

Random Rant
March 12, 2020


Election Nonsense
March 06, 2020


Seems like people talk without knowing.
February 19, 2020

The Rudebouyz rant about their encounters with people during the week. The bus driver who proclaims to know what communism is, the people who listen to talking heads as if their opinions are gospel. The latest baseball controversy, along with other...
