Rural Routes to Climate Solutions

EP 71 Sharing the Land – SoR Part Four
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Fifth generation farmer, Rébeka Frazer-Chiasson believes strongly in the practices of regenerative agriculture. Located in Rogersville, New Brunswick, her farm Ferme Terre Partagee currently operates as a coop based on common values and objectives including peasant agroecology and food sovereignty.
Welcome to Stories of Regeneration, a podcast series brought to you by Rural Routes to Climate Solutions and Regeneration Canada. Join me, your host Derek Leahy, as we delve into the importance of supporting an agricultural system that not only prioritizes the health of our land and ecosystems but also ensures the sustainability of our farmers and ranchers. Get ready to explore the transformative power of regenerative agriculture.
Highlights:- 5:42 – How did Rébeka come to implement regenerative agriculture practices on her farm?
- 11:55 – Rébeka shares her farming story.
- 17:39 – Rébeka talks about the cooperative operating on her family’s land.
- 23:16 – What led to the decision to create a coop?
- 29:05 – Why doesn’t Rébeka sell her product to the big grocery store chain?
- 31:52 – Rébeka shares the unique challenges of the 2023 growing season.
- 38:00 – What does biodiversity mean to Rébeka and Ferme Terre Partagee
- 40:01 – What are some of the challenges of doing the closed loop system?
- 47:41 – Rébeka talks about the impact that local wildlife has on Ferme Terre Partagee.
- 54:23 – What methods does Rébeka use to support biodiversity?
- 1:01:35 – Why should consumers care about regenerative agriculture?
- 1:03:12 – Why should consumers support producers practicing regenerative agriculture?
- 1:13:57 – Why does Rébeka care about regenerative agriculture?
- Stories of Regeneration
- Stories of Regeneration Short Film Series
- Ferme Terre Partagee
- On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF)
If you want to learn more, we recommend downloading and listening to:
- Regenerating Rural Opportunities
- EP 32 – Alley Cropping
- EP 37 – Climate Farm Plan
- EP 67 – Total Grazing – SoR Part 1
- EP 69 – Loyal to the Soil – SoR Part 2
- EP 70 – Maximizing Soil Function – SoR Part 3
- Experimenting with No-Till Regenerative Agriculture – Steel Pony Farms – Red Deer, AB
Our Farmers Blog shares stories about Alberta farmers who do an exceptional job of caring for the land, producing food, and building up their communities.
This podcast has been partially funded by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
The post EP 71 Sharing the Land – SoR Part Four appeared first on Rural Routes to Climate Solutions.
The post EP 71 Sharing the Land – SoR Part Four appeared first on Rural Routes to Climate Solutions.