Row by Row Garden Show

Row by Row Garden Show

Row by Row Episode 136: What’s The Different Sweet Corn Genes?

February 12, 2021

Sweet Corn Genes:

There are five different sweet corn genes that have very different characteristics from one another. When it comes to growing a standard sugary variety those are the oldest cultivars which in return makes them have the lowest sugar content (10% - 15%) at harvest. For sweet corn the lower the sugar content the lower storage time so these varieties will not store for very long after harvest. The advantage of growing these lower sugar content varieties is they can germinate in colder climates (55 - 60F).

Standard Sugary (su) Varieties:

Silver QueenStowell's EvergreenJubileeG90

When growing sugary enhanced varieties they can also germinate in colder climates (55 - 60F). However, they only have slightly higher sugar levels and storage ability compared to the standard sugary. What sets the sugary enhanced varieties apart from the standard sugary is the super tender kernels. If you have sensitive or tender teeth the sugary enhanced varieties are ideal to grow for you.

Sugary Enhanced (se) Varieties:

Peaches & CreamAmbrosiaIncredibleBodaciousSilver KingArgentKandy Korn

The supersweet varieties are very different from the sweet corn genes, standard sugary and sugary enhanced. When growing a supersweet corn variety they produce shrunken kernels in the vegetable garden. With these shrunken kernels, they have very high sugar levels which means they will have a long harvest window and store longer on the homestead. However, the supersweet varieties will need a little warmer germination temperatures (60F).

SuperSweet (sh2) Varieties:


When it comes to growing a synergistic variety it contains the standard sugary, sugary enhanced, and supersweet kernels all on the same cob. Therefore it contains the flavor profile of the su, tenderness of the se, and the sweetness of the sh2. The storage life is excellent due to the synergistic containing the supersweet gene. The synergistic can also germinate in cooler weather temperatures (55 - 60F).

Synergistic (syn) Varieties:

Honey SelectTemptressPrimusProvidenceAvalonSerendipity

One of the newest sweet corn genes is the augmented supersweet type. This sweet corn gene is simply just an improved version of the supersweet that contains the supersweets and sugary enhanced gene types. When growing the augmented supersweet they produce sweet and tender kernels. You need to wait till temperatures are around 60F for successful germination. This sweet corn type has excellent storage life after harvesting.

Augmented SuperSweet (shA) Varieties:


Sweet Corn Genes: Isolation Requirements

Which sweet corn genes will cross-pollinate in the garden? The sweet corn types that will need isolation from one another are the standard sugary, sugary enhanced, and supersweet varieties. The augmented supersweets should also be isolated from the standard sugary, sugary enhanced, and supersweet types for a true variety. We highly recommend if you are worried about corn cross-pollinating you should stagger/succession plant your corn 2 to 3 weeks in the garden. The best variety to grow that does not require isolation is the synergistic sweet corns.

Show and Tell Segment

On the show and tell segment this week, Greg and Travis have been experiencing some wet and cold climates which have made it harder to get out in the garden recently. Travis has some fermented carrots to try from the vegetable garden. Although Greg thought there was a little too much ...