Row by Row Garden Show

Row by Row Garden Show

Row by Row Episode 74: Maintaining Fall Pests in the Vegetable Garden

October 21, 2019

Fall Pests to Deal With
In the South, some of the fall pests that we deal with are whiteflies, cabbage loopers, cabbageworm, flea beetles, and aphids. Whiteflies are known to live underneath the leaves of plants causing problems in the garden. In order to control many of these fall pests, you should spray early in the morning at daylight or late in the afternoon before sunset to effectively manage the pest problems.
Fall Garden Spraying Program
In order to control fall pests in the garden, we recommend using organic solutions to eliminate pest problems. The first solution we recommend is to use B.t. and Spinosad when dealing with worm problems. The spraying program for B.t. is you mix one ounce per gallon and start spraying early at least once a week in the vegetable garden. If you have a huge outbreak of worms, then you need to use a more powerful solution like Spinosad. When dealing with aphid problems the best solution is Horticultural Oil. The Hort oil also works great on ornamentals surrounding the yard. Similar to the Horticultural Oil, our Neem Oil is another solution that should not be sprayed during the summertime or when it's very hot during the day. The Neem Oil works great for controlling non-worms such as aphids and flea beetles. The Complete Disease Control is another OMRI registered fungicide that works great with any general diseases that you may experience trouble within the vegetable garden. When you start experiencing serious problems with diseases the Liquid Cop is your go-to fungicide to use in the garden. Travis suggests having a spray day in order to ensure you are applying the pest controls at least once a week in the vegetable. This can vary depending on the amount of pressure you are needing to maintain, but Travis explains his rotation program for fall pests control. So one week, he will mix the B.t., Horticultural Oil, and the Complete Disease Control together and apply the mix to the garden. Then, the following week, he will mix together the B.t., Neem Oil, and Liquid Cop. This rotation program allows the fungicides and insecticides to not become susceptible inside the vegetable garden.
Show and Tell Segment
On the show and tell segment, Travis has broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and collards starting to grow in the garden. As well as, he just put kohlrabi, beet, and Brussel sprout transplants in the ground this past weekend. Greg and Travis also discuss the difference between packs and quarter pounds of the All Top Turnips, Purple Top Turnips, Florida Broadleaf Mustard, and Southern Giant Curled Mustard seed varieties.
Viewer Questions Segment
On the question and answer segment this week, the guys answer questions about Vidalia onions, give an update on sweet potatoes, planting onion transplants in November, and are red onions short, long, or intermediate day. Greg mentions that in a specific area around Lyons and Vidalia, Georgia they produce Vidalia onions. However, the Sweet Harvest and Savannah Sweet onions that we carry are Vidalia type onions meaning they are grown similar to the Vidalia onions grown in those areas. Travis says his sweet potatoes are doing good in the dedicated plot, but the ground has been too hard to dig them up. When planting onion transplants, Greg explains you should start the seeds in the greenhouse six weeks prior to planting in the garden. For example, if wanting to plant in the garden around the first of November then the transplants should be started towards early to mid-October. The guys mention that there are red onion varieties for short day, long day, and intermediate day lengths.
Products of the Week

Mustard Seeds
Turnip Seeds